
Awkwafina is an American performer and actor who began her career with innovative raps which addressed sexuality and racial identities with the most comical of perspectives. She then expanded to Hollywood. Nora Lum is the daughter of Chinese as well as Korean parents from Forest Hills Queens. The trumpet was her first instrument. Alongside classical music and jazz, she started studying hip-hop when she was in her teens. In college, she studied writing and women's studies. Then, she even had a short time studying Mandarin during her time in Beijing. After graduating, it wasn't until when she decided to turn her attention to music. In 2012, My Vag (as a retort to Mickey Avalon's My Dick) became an internet hit and was included in her debut LP Yellow Ranger. On the album, there was other hits that went viral, including Queef (body-positive) as well as NYC Bitche$. The third track was linked to Awkwafina's NYC Travel Guide published in the year 2015, and was a different idea. After a successful career as a musician She took on the character of actress. As well as early shows like Girl Code and Tawk - she appeared in the movies Neighbors 2 Storks and Bad Rap. In 2018, she landed many major roles like Dude Ocean's 8, or Crazy Rich Asians. Then in June, she launched the EP in Fina We Trust.

 Ayelet Zurer Awkwafina  n  Awkwafina g  Awkwafina  h  Awkwafina m  Awkwafina  s


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